New Episodes!
Publishing Power
with JoEllen Nordstrom
Podcast interviews to help writers like you to achieve literary success by learning how to navigate ALL the necessary steps to be successful in the publishing world.
About Publishing Power
Learn how to successfully write, edit, publish and launch your book today from proven leaders and great writers.
Discover the latest tips, tools, and tricks publishing independently, traditionally or as a hybrid publisher.
Listen to our carefully selected, knowledge-based interviews with the leading writing-industry experts. We’ll provide insight and up-to-date guidance in the ever-evolving world of publishing so that you know how to plan, what to do, and where to get help when you need it.
Plus, you get honest reviews of the various writing tools, apps, plugins, and services which can help (or hinder!) you to publish successfully!
Regardless if you write fiction, nonfiction, copy, or research, you will find a golden nugget here that will help you succeed. You simply don’t know what you don’t know.

JoEllen Nordstrom
New Episodes Weekly
Live Every Friday @ 3 pm (CST)
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Episode 1
Publishing Power
Whether you’re an aspiring writer or a seasoned author, this is THE podcast that will help you to Write-Edit-Publish-Launch!
JoEllen and her editing team have helped over 35,000 authors. Gain help and advice from proven experts to ensure that you too understand how to publish your book SUCCESSFULLY.
Learn from the proven success of others!
Season 1, Episode 1 | 38min
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